With a hat tip to reader M. for seeing that this page has finally gone live (I figured out the URL a few months back, but they hadn't linked to it anywhere yet and hadn't included any drawings), I can point you to
Akridge's small info page on 25 M Street, which includes one of the many renderings that Akridge displayed at the ANC and Zoning Commission hearings over the past few months. It's a view of the northern section of the west side of Half Street; at the very far right you can see Lerner's
20 M Street building, if that helps orient you. (It's drawn as if you're standing on Half Street at the very southern corner of
55 M, looking northwest). It shows the two office buildings, with the "Via" being the open space between them. (Not shown is the horseshoe-shaped residential building on the southern end of the block.) You can read my
more detailed description of the Akridge plans here, and see
my project page for photos of what the site currently looks like (hint: it's the old WMATA Southeastern Bus Garage).