I've received word that work is about to get started on
1244 South Capitol, a 290-unit residential building on the northeast corner of South Capitol and N Streets. This is the site where Hill Country operated a
game-day pop-up barbecue stand this summer, and many moons ago it was a
BP/Amoco station. The land was originally purchased by Monument Realty during the 2005-06 Gold Rush era, then was bought by JBG in 2013.
It's expected to take about two years to complete, and when done it will be the first new building on the east side of South Capitol Street since Nats Park opened more than seven years ago. It will have 26,000 square feet of retail on two stories, giving the corner immediately north of Nats Parking Garage B the sort of "activation" that has been expected ever since it was announced the stadium was coming to South Capitol Street.
For those of you scoring at home, let's go through the lineup of projects currently under construction in the neighborhood east of South Capitol and south of the freeway. Not merely in the pipeline, actually under construction:
Park Chelsea, 430 rental units, expected delivery early 2016;
Arris, 326 rental units, expected delivery early 2016;
Dock 79, 305 rental units, expected delivery summer 2016;
909 Half Street, 380 rental units, expected delivery late 2016/early 2017;
F1rst. 325 rental units, expected delivery 2017;
99 M, 224,000-square-foot office building, expected delivery 2017;
If you don't feel like doing the math, that's more than 2,900 rental units being built right now, as well as about 530 hotel rooms.
No wonder I'm so tired.